Trust in
the board.

Oscar David is an organizational psychologist, executive coach, boardroom consultant, author, and trusted partner in the field of leadership and organizational development.

Trust in
the board.

Oscar David is an organizational psychologist, executive coach, boardroom consultant and author on leadership and organizational development.

The organization of tomorrow

The organization of tomorrow

Companies and organizations face the complex task of remaining relevant and sustainable while meeting shareholder and stakeholder expectations. This requires trust and leadership inside and outside the board. Oscar David advises (non) executive boards, with 35 years of experience in international business, financial services, government and healthcare.


Oscar David is a keynote speaker at events on leadership and governance.
For bookings, please visit our contact page.

Psychologie voor managers (editie 2024/2025)

Unique lecture series on human behavior and your influence on it.

  • September 26, 2024 – June 12, 2025

  • AFAS Theater, Leusden

Oscar David author of the book The Integrity of Power

The Integrity of Power – The book

Wie geen macht heeft, loopt niet het risico het te verliezen. Maar wie macht ontbeert, kan er ook niks moois mee creëren.

​Macht! het boek van Oscar David beschrijft de werking en dynamiek ervan.

The Integrity of Power

Het boek

Wie geen macht heeft, loopt niet het risico het te verliezen. Maar wie macht ontbeert, kan er ook niks moois mee creëren.

​Macht! het boek van Oscar David beschrijft de werking en dynamiek ervan.

Oscar David author of the book The Integrity of Power