Het Financieele Dagblad

FD | 2023

Kan de leider een mens blijven? (Dutch only)

Where there is work, there are power relationships, official and informal. How do you deal with your own power and that of others? Interview in the Financieele Dagblad.

FD | 2014

We moeten macht weer verbinden met integriteit (Dutch only)

Article in the Financieele Dagblad with Oscar David.

Reformatorisch Dagblad

Reformatorisch Dagblad | 2023

De dunne lijn tussen daadkracht en doorslaan (Dutch only)

How does a leader show decisiveness without abusing his power? Interview with Oscar David in the Reformatory newspaper.

Reformatorisch Dagblad | 2022

Macht en invloed laten haast niemand onberoerd (Dutch only)

Interview with Oscar David in the Reformatory newspaper on the dangers of top positions.


M&C | 2019

Het risico op verslaving aan macht geldt ook voor de adviseur (Dutch only)

Oscar David talks about his personal fascination with the topic of power and how he advises organizations in this area.

Goed Bestuur & Toezicht

Goed Bestuur & Toezicht | 2017

Voor effectief leiderschap is macht nodig (Dutch only)

Oscar David on carrying out power with integrity and self-reflection.


MT/Sprout | 2016

‘Women are a much better fit for the type of leadership needed now’.

MT/Sprout | 2015

Hiërarchie is een goede zaak (Dutch only)

‘The more power you have, the more difference you can make’.

MT/Sprout | 2014

Power is addictive. Only awareness of this can ensure integrity, says Oscar David.


Managementboek | 2014

Oscar David, as an organizational consultant and coach of top entrepreneurs and other executives, collected colorful observations, interviews and experiences about power.

CHE (Christelijke Hogeschool Ede).

CHE | 2018

‘Het gaat bij Macht om de vraag: Waarom doe ik het?’ (Dutch only)

Esther van Lunteren in conversation with Oscar David.


TIAS | 2016

“Women are a much better fit for the kind of leadership that is needed now.” Interview with Oscar David.

TIAS | 2016

“The higher your position in an organization, the more pressure you experience and the more likely you are to lose yourself.”

SZW (Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment)

SWZ Magazine | 2022

‘We moeten streven naar Macht 3.0’ (Dutch only)

Interview in SZW-Magazine (Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment)